BOGO: Set explorador de Hunters Union

El perfecto set para explorar nuevos lugares.
Leveling items assist you in the acquisition and retention of experience gained in the game. Amulets give your character increased abilities for a limited time, they can increase your damage output and reduce your damage taken. Licenses increase the productivity and profitability of your time spent in the game.Extenders give you an increase of health and mana allowing you to survive longer and run out of mana less often.
Se puede regalar al nivel: 30
2 X: Amuleto de poder (50%) (2 horas) (10 unidades)
2 X: Bendición de Teva (7 días)
2 X: Certificado de caza (50%)(7 dias)
2 X: Sombrero de Explorardor (7 días)
2 X: Mochila de Explorardor (7 días)
2 X: Aliento Revividor (5 unidades)
4 X: poción de salud 2
4 X: poción de espíritu 2